суббота, 3 марта 2012 г.

Robert Charles Howe

JOB Artist. Noted for his Norman Rockwell style. WHAT'S NEW He's having a non-Rockwellish one-man show at NataliniGalleries, 716 N. Wells. He's planning a show at St. Xavier College,which he attended.

HIS LATEST Many of his newest powerful paintings deal with hisbattle with diabetic blindness and the successful effort to regainand stabilize his sight. (He's had four major operations in threeyears.) STATS Lives in Midlothian, 35, married since 1978 to ex-photographerSheila Malloy, who's an agent for artists and photographers. Grew upin Evergreen Park. At age 9 he was diagnosed as havingjuvenile-onset diabetes, which meant insulin shots for a lifetime anda risk of …

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